

  • Founded / co-founded two industry leading companies in different industries, construction and public accounting.
  • Founded, co-founded, or helped others found over 100 companies in a couple dozen industries.
  • Founded or co-founded companies in software (2), construction (2), retail (2), CPA firm (1), landscaping-septic repair (1), oil spill cleanup (1).
  • Produced useful work in about 50 disciplines. Probably the first person in history to come close to that.
  • Depth and breath of experience across industries and disciplines results in a huge tool box of concepts that are available for ideation and developing conceptual frameworks for business models.
  • A business pioneer in the Soviet Union and Russia (1989 – 1997).
  • A pioneer in desktop computing and related business processes (1977 – present). Tried to interest Steve Jobs in building a computer for construction job costing and launch Apple for business.
  • CPA firm included an in-house startup incubator with office space – in 1984. Possibly pioneered this concept.
  • A pioneer in two new professions; business valuation and litigation support. Previously they were skills but not professions.
  • Defining traits:
    • Intellectual curiosity, study- and work-aholic.
    • High cognitive energy, high ethical standards, highly communicative.
    • Proven ability to pivot and adapt to new circumstances.
    • Comfortable with ambiguity, enjoys disruptive tech, business processes and models.

SV Startup Lab

  • 2012 – present.
  • A lab for researching, developing, and testing new uses of the Internet platform business model.
  • Small bootstrapped self-funded operation in Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, CA hiring freelance contractors when needed.
  • The goal is to develop innovative online and mobile minimum viable products, gain significant market traction, then sell to a well-funded team.
  • Over 20 projects from conceptual design stage to active development and market testing.
  • Product development primarily for Blue Ocean business opportunities that disrupt one or more industries.
  • Lab functions:
    • Problem => Solution ideation.
    • Business model and process design.
    • User experience research and application design including user interface design, interaction design, visual design, etc.
    • Front-end development with Google’s Angular 2 and Angular Material 2 frameworks.
    • Back-end or server side application development, currently with Node.js and the Sails.js framework.
    • Market promotion and testing.


    • Married to Katya, no kids, no pets.
    • Mountain biking.
    • Road trips.
    • Most sciences, technologies.
    • Politics, macro economics.
    • Design – Web application, business model, product, interior, architectural, urban.
    • Foreign policy, international relations.
    • Wilderness backpacking.
    • Backpack travel – 28 countries with extensive travel in the Western U.S. and Alaska, Mexico, Central America, and Russia.
    • Sailing, cruising, river rafting, canoeing.
    • Volunteer trail work.
    • SCUBA diving, snow skiing.
    • Some Spanish and Russian language ability.
    • The scientific study of religious belief systems – cross-disciplinary.
    • Ancient Maya archeology and architecture including reading glyphs.