Innovations and Accomplishments

  • Invented new work processes for the computerization of the CPA and other industries and published. 1983 – 1994.
    • Used own CPA firm as a lab with the innovative goal to put all work processes on desktop computers for professional firms and other clients. KPMG did not share this goal and that is the reason for leaving KPMG and starting own firm.
    • Redesigned how work is done for the new medium, a huge conceptual advance and an expensive and risky pivot at the time.
    • Avoided computerizing manual processes. Always required a redesign of work processes.
    • Very successful. Doubled productivity, cut labor costs in half.
    • Almost all business leaders did not understand that computers and software work best with new processes that took advantage of the new medium. They computerized manual processes. That attitude continues today in many industries.
  • Early innovations in the design of computerized business processes and software for a dozen industries.
    • Began trying to use microcomputers for project management in 1977 with only 2k of RAM.
    • Worked with software developers to create computerized processes that dramatically increased productivity of existing processes and also created new forms of information and work to increase competitive advantages.
    • Invented software features now used world-wide in business and consumer software.
  • Helped in the early development of the business valuation and litigation support professions. 1986 – 1995. In 1986 neither was a profession. By 1995 both were stand-alone professions. Assisted with the development of:
    • Code of ethics.
    • Standards.
    • Continuing education.
  • Co-built Preston Pipelines, Inc. into one of California’s largest underground pipeline subcontractors. 1974 – 1979.
    • Accomplished by importing work processes learned in PG&E’s General Construction division.
    • Grew during the two major 1970’s oil recessions, major fuel shortages, and the accompanying high interest rates on working capital – a traditional construction company killer.
    • A highly competitive industry with several strong established players.
    • Usually considered a once-in-a-lifetime major business accomplishment.
  • Helped pioneer what are now 911 operators at long defunct Drug Crisis Intervention in downtown San Jose in 1968. While it started as a free service for those experiencing illegal drug overdoses we handled suicides and other emergencies that happened to call us. We only had a night shift and 2 – 3 operators.


None of these innovations are major but in small ways they helped various industries and have helped people make a living and produce decent work throughout the U.S. and in some cases worldwide. Below are a few major points from “The Medici Effect”, a book about the cross-industry pollination of ideas. Jim is attempting through his Web projects to use his experience across dozens of disciplines and industries to invent new business models and processes.


Innovation – Points from Frans Johansson’s book “The Medici Effect”:

  • Deep knowledge within the disciplines is not required for “intersectional” or cross-over innovation. Directional innovation within a discipline requires deep knowledge and this is the most common and usually easiest innovation. Directional innovation is product or service improvement and is common of course. Intersectional innovation creates new fields, disciplines, or industries. Intiri Designs will be a new industry category. There is nothing like it.
  • A field or discipline is a subject that a person can spend a lifetime working in.
  • “The intersection [of concepts and processes] represents a place that drastically increases the chances for unusual combinations to occur.” When working across numerous disciplines there are billions of potential combinations of models, concepts, and processes.”
  • “Innovators are often self-taught. They tend to be the types that educated themselves intensely. They often have a broad learning experience.” “They broke down associative barriers because they did one or more of the following things:
    • Exposed themselves to a range of cultures.
    • Learned differently.
    • Reversed their assumptions.
    • Took on multiple perspectives.”